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LAYERS -- Click to open Layers, which allows you to display additional information such asCity-owned properties and tax liens.
QUICK SEARCH -- this will pop out a little box where you can type an address to quickly zoom there. It uses Google, not the actual database, so it may not be accurate. The place you're looking for will not be a pin marker, but instead will be in the middle of the frame.
ADVANCED SEARCH -- where you enter a detailed query.
A basic rule of thumb: adding more details will search for things with ALL of those details. So, entering something in the address AND the property type AND the owner's location AND the zoning will probably give you no results. Leave things blank to get more.
Searching by address: For now, we don't have an address scrubber, though we're working on it. To find a specific property, enter its address in this format: "100 E State St" -- no periods, don't spell out East, don't spell out Street or Avenue. If you want to see all the properties on a street (eg Hamilton Ave), just write "Hamilton".
Searching by property type: You can narrow your search to just vacant buildings or vacant lots. If you want everything, including occupied buildings, parks, etc., leave this blank.
Searching by owner: Again, we don't have a scrubber here. For City-owned properties, the owner is "City of Trenton". If you're on the hunt for a specific owner, spell their name right. It's also fun to, for instance, search for properties owned by "LLC".
Searching by owner's location: Use this to find out where property owners have registered their location at the time of sale. This queries the property records, not the State's business registry database. This is helpful to understand whether you have a concentration of investor-owned properties, but won't tell you who is behind an LLC.
Limiting to Class 2 (1-4 family residential): Sometimes it's important to limit your search to just homes (for instance, if you're looking for City-owned properties you might like to homestead).
Searching conditions: The exception to the "AND" search is the conditions. Adding in more conditions will return properties with ANY of these conditions -- so putting "Dumping" and "Trash" will give you properties that have dumping OR trash OR both.