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Summary stats

If you're looking for a quick overview of the number and type of vacant properties in Trenton, check out our data page.


Interactive map

The main resource on this site is an interactive map of all the properties in Trenton. You can zoom to your neighborhood, search for properties by address, see who owns them, create filters of different variables, put on overlays (like City-owned properties or tax liens), download your queries, see them as a table... even report issues with our data with a click! It also has dashboards with crime data and neighborhood-level data from the Trenton Neighborhood Conditions Study. Instructions are here


Registering for the City's initiatives

You can read about Mayor Jackson's five-point plan and register for more info here. Note that Restoring Trenton is not run by the City of Trenton, but we are hosting their official registration form and info pages for now, since y'all like our site so much. :-)


Download data

You can mess around with the dataset on your own by downloading it from our data page. You can also download filtered queries from the interactive map. Word to the wise: while we update our data continuously, we can't update what you've downloaded.


Available data

The interactive map currently includes the following information:


  • The property's type, vacancy status, and (for vacant properties) condition. A detailed explanation of our variables can be found here. This information comes primarily from the TNRC's field survey in the summer of 2014, but is continuously being updated as we receive more information from the City and from you.


  • Ownership information from the Trenton tax rolls and the county's deed database, and some other stuff like the property's class (Class 2 = 1-4 family residential -- remember this).


  • City land use info. For example, you can see whether a property is in a redevelopment area and what its zoning is.


  • City initiatives, like auctions (whether the City has auctioned off a property it owns) or tax foreclosure (see below).


  • Tax liens, which we get from the City's tax collector. (Basically, when you don't pay your taxes, the City puts a lien on your property. Every year, or when specific properties are being targeted, they do a "tax sale", where other people can buy the liens. The buyers can then foreclose on the lien and acquire the property - but beware, the buyer actually has to pay the taxes in the interim, which can be two to three years. We show the City liens and the liens that third parties have bought. It's downright insulting to see how many property owners in town aren't paying their taxes.)


  • Violent crime. This is in the "Dashboards" on the right, because we wanted to show hotspots and let you see the breakdown of different variables.


  • Neighborhood housing market conditions and variables, in the "Dashboards" on the right. This comes from the Neighborhood Conditions Study that New Jersey Community Capital recently released (you can grab the full report here), and shows how different neighborhoods are faring. Oh, and you can click indicators (like housing prices) to see how they've varied in each neighborhood over time. You'll spend hours playing with this.


If you would like us to add or change information about a property, let us know! Send us an email or click the property and use the "Report an Issue" link in the pop-up. If you're sending us an email, please include address and (if possible) property block & lot

© 2025 by the Trenton Neighborhood Restoration Campaign.

This site is maintained by Isles, Inc.

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